why do french poeple stink?
2006-06-17 18:30:38 UTC
why do french poeple stink?
Sept réponses:
2006-06-17 19:20:18 UTC
Hey Zeff, you've never been to France you'd know better...

You shot at the wrong target, France has with the City of Grasse the world's capital of perfume. Ever heard of Dior, Kenzo, Guerlain, Chanel, Cacharel, and so many more? Well they have a common point, they are all French world known perfumes brands.

We couldn't only have Paris as the world's capital of elegance without having the best fragrances and olfactory perception. This perception is so developped that you will meet it everywhere in France: fine arts, fine cuisine... basicly anything related to taste.

Sorry lad, try better next time.
2006-06-18 04:10:42 UTC
Well I cannot believe what I m reading here. That's a very nasty question. You're probably an immature friendless jerk in real life. You' re disgusting and sadly you have nothing else to do. I don't know how so much anger and rage comes from your heart. Maybe you've been rejected by a lovely french girl and/or sadly you're sexually frustrated. No wonder!...

You definetly have a very low self esteem. Tearing others down is a cheap and lame attittude. You need to get some good education and professional help from a psy. Anyway I could say much more but i'll stop here because you don't deserve anyone wasting time on you.


Je n arrive pas a croire ce que je suis entrain de lire ici. C'est une question très méchante. Vous êtes probablement un idiot dans la vie réelle. Vous êtes dégoûtant et tristement vous n'avez rien d autre a faire. Je ne sais pas comment une telle méchantee et colère peut venir de votre coeur. Peut-être vous avez été rejeté par une belle fille française et/ou tristement vous êtes sexuellement frustré. Ça ne m étonnerais pas !... Vous avez définitivement une estime très basse de vous. Vous avez besoin que quelqu'un vous éduque and avez besoin de l assistance d un psy. Quoi qu'il en soit je pourrais dire beaucoup plus mais je m'arrêterai ici parce que vous ne méritez pas que l on perde du temps avec un spécimen comme vous!
2006-06-21 08:50:29 UTC
because they touched your dead body by mistake during the battle of hastings little freak ... ;)

see my forefinger and my middle finger ?

people would be better and not poeple right ?
Professeur S
2006-06-19 19:04:31 UTC
Because the wind blows from the west...
kick a dwarf
2006-06-19 11:48:58 UTC
we walked on your shit
Raf à Ailes
2006-06-18 13:42:19 UTC
you should remember that the Gallic invented soap
Conan M
2006-06-18 08:36:27 UTC
because they have approached you

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